Saturday, December 08, 2007

Essay 4808

Is anyone else tired of adfolks who complain they spend their days constantly putting out fires?

This increasingly familiar gripe flows from account and creative people alike, with the common denominator being the originator is likely an incompetent jackass. Plus, the phrase is often used to conceal their inability to cope with basic occupational functions.

These flaming heroes ought to consider a few things.

First, they are not nearly as important as the typical firefighter. Firefighters face disasters and save lives. Adfolks sell laundry detergent and underarm deodorant—and that’s only if you’re extraordinarily good.

Firefighters execute with skill and precision honed from serious training. If firefighters handled their responsibilities with the same undisciplined bumbling that adfolks use to battle their supposed corporate conflagrations, the firefighters would not only fail to extinguish blazes, but they’d probably perish in the attempt as well. Adfolks could benefit from visiting the local firehouse to see how it’s really done.

Firefighters know there are many ways to prevent fires. Adfolks seem clueless about devising processes and plans to reduce the drama of their exaggerated emergencies. And the lousy ones store plenty of combustible materials nearby to ignite infernos, thereby avoiding exposing their true inadequacies. Again, a trip to the neighborhood station might bring it all into perspective.

Are you constantly putting out fires? Get over yourself already. And learn to do your fucking job.

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