Monday, January 07, 2008

Essay 4950

Monday Morning MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• Wesley Snipes is not giving up efforts to have his upcoming federal tax evasion trial moved out of Ocala, Florida. The actor’s lawyer filed a motion to relocate and postpone the trial, currently scheduled for January 14. Snipes must think he’s R. Kelly.

• A study shows that Blacks still get inferior treatment for cancer versus Whites, a trend that has persisted since being revealed in the 1990s. Research indicated the problems were just as bad in 2002 as in 1992. Which is almost as long as the wait for the R. Kelly trial.

• The CEO of Krispy Kreme Doughnuts resigned, as the company continues to struggle. America runs on Dunkin’—and apparently runs away from Krispy Kreme.


  1. Who Cares about the Snipes case. He should have paid his TAXES!

  2. let's hope for snipes sake, he avoids getting a black female judge. we know what little regard he holds for women of color; she might return the favor.
