Tuesday, March 04, 2008

5188: Loot And Lawyers.

Making judgments in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• Two White captains with the Los Angeles Fire Department received $1.6 million after suing for being painted as scapegoats in the infamous incident involving a Black firefighter being served dog food by fellow firefighters. The two captains had been suspended after the event four years ago. Including the award given to the Black firefighter, the city’s expenses in the affair total over $4.5 million. Wonder if the firehouse firedog will go to court next, arguing he was deprived of his chow.

• A celebrity jet service secretly videotaped Michael Jackson speaking with his lawyers during a 2003 trip, and it will cost the service $20.25 million. A judge ordered the award for Jackson’s lawyers after a two-week trial held in January. “The question in this case was whether it’s worth it to violate people’s privacy,” said the lawyer representing the lawyers. “The court sent a clear message that the cost far outweighs the benefit.” Although it’s bizarre that Jacko’s lawyers are more successful in lawsuits than he is.

• The Bronx building considered to be the birthplace of hip hop will not be turned into an affordable-housing complex, thanks to political intervention that rejected the proposed sale of the structure. No word if they’ll be holding a house party.

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