Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Essay Seventy-Eight

Law & Disorder with MultiCultClassics Minutes…

• The California Supreme Court ruled a manager who has intimate relationships with an employee can create a professional environment that constitutes sexual harassment even for uninvolved workers. So folks can sue for mad cash without being forced to do the wild thing. This means, gentlemen, that if you’re banging one underling, you may as well get busy with the rest of the staff too.

• Somebody finally figured a way to slow down the spread of hip hop. Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez passed a law requiring at least half of all music played on the radio must be the country’s traditional tunes. So for every Busta Rhymes, there will be bandolas. For every Hey Ya, there will be harps. In the U.S., Republican leadership is probably exploring the feasibility of similar measures — for every Ja Rule there will be Josh Groban.

• New York’s Commission on Human Rights recently presented a disturbing survey showing White men with felony records are just as likely to land a job in New York City as law-abiding Black men. Start spreading the news — Kenny Rogers will always be welcome to join the Mets or Yankees.

• Leo Burnett is under fire for its contract extensions with the U.S. Army account. The original 4-year contract started in 2000, and the law requires competitive bidding to take place. But Army officials have granted what amounts to an additional 1.5 years without any pitching. Guess it shows that all’s fair in love and war.

• The traffic-stop incident starring Illinois State Senator Reverend James Meeks and an allegedly abusive cop has Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White considering the addition of tips in driver’s manuals detailing what to do when pulled over by police. Official Tip Number One: If you’re White, please remain in the driver’s seat of your vehicle. If you’re Black, stay in the fucking car.

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