Friday, August 19, 2005

Essay 116

Have a nice weekend with MultiCultClassics Minutes…

• A judge in Philadelphia declared rapper Cassidy can only be tried for third-degree murder, not first-degree murder. Damn, hope that doesn’t negatively impact CD sales.

• Now comes the other side of the story involving Rev. James Meeks and an allegedly racist cop. Meeks had insisted being the victim of racial profiling when a traffic stop resulted in the officer using profanity and ultimately drawing his revolver. But the officer told a different tale. The cop was apparently intimidated when Meeks’ bodyguards arrived in a third car. They reportedly exited their vehicle and approached the confrontation between Meeks and the officer. It was at this point that the cop brandished his firearm. Police Department sources are backing their own, declaring others have rushed to judgment. Count on this scenario getting nastier before it’s all over.

• Jewish folks in Orange County felt dissed over the scheduling of a special election to replace Rep. Chris Cox. Officials announced the election would happen on December 6, with the special primary taking place on October 4. According to the governor’s office, the dates cannot be changed. However, the primary election will happen during Rosh Hashana — plus, it also coincides with the first day of Ramadan. There are about 100,000 Jewish voters in OC, and many are now PO’d. One reason for deciding to hold the primary on October 4: the next alternative date would have conflicted with Thanksgiving.

• Jewish groups aren’t the only folks unhappy in Orange County. Add parents and players in the local kids’ football programs. The source of irritation in this scenario is none other than Snoop Dogg. Mr. Dogg has formed his own league, recruiting kids from other teams. Of course, the competitors are whining over alleged disrespect for tradition, as football is a serious thang in the region. The Snoop Youth Football League offers plenty of perks, including a tricked-out bus with TVs and stereo systems. Bet the post-game parties are cool too.

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