Friday, August 26, 2005

Essay 124

Friday morning rush hour with MultiCultClassics Minutes…

• The good news: Blacks, Hispanics and Whites are equally pulled over by cops for traffic stops. The no news: Blacks and Hispanics are significantly more likely to get searched, cuffed and subjected to physical abuse. A recent study by the Justice Department confirmed what every minority motorist in America already knew. But the report failed to offer a reason for the racial differences. Free researched reason from MultiCultClassics: Because cops hate Blacks and Hispanics.

• You gotta fight for your right to party. And spray paint too. On Wednesday fashion designer Marc Ecko held his graffiti art event in New York, despite attempted legal blockades by Mayor Michael Bloomberg and assorted politicians. Prominent graffiti artists painted replica subway cars and promoted their craft in a responsible fashion. “Don’t be afraid of spray paint,” artist Lady Pink said. “It’s just a quick medium… It’s not a reason to call the cops.” Especially if you’re a Black or Hispanic motorist.

• Los Angeles is cracking down on graffiti artists, demanding that even commissioned murals are whitewashed. Many of the murals depict images of Mexican American history or serve as advertisements for local businesses. City officials are using an obscure ordinance granting them authority to regulate artwork that abuts public property. Spray-painted note to Marc Ecko: Stay the hell out of LA.

• Now appearing at grocery stores and 7-11s in San Diego, Dallas and Phoenix: Las Delicias de Hostess. The manufacturer of such dubious delights as Twinkies, Ding-Dongs and Ho Hos introduced a series of snacks designed to appeal to Hispanics. The semi-food items are allegedly inspired by traditional Hispanic goodies. Can’t imagine a better bakery for creating culturally authentic cakes. For Hispanics, the translation for Ho Hos is "Caca de Gringos."

• Religious fanatic Pat Robertson stutter-stepped through explanations and apologies for his suggestion to assassinate Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. Robertson first tried to insist his words were misinterpreted and taken out of context. Let’s see. An original quote included, “…I don’t know about this doctrine of assassination, but if he thinks we’re trying to assassinate him, I think that we really ought to go ahead and do it.” Well, it’s easy to see how that remark could be misinterpreted. Another comment stated, “We have the ability to take him out, and I think the time has come that we exercise that ability.” OK, in that case, Robertson meant someone should take Chavez out to dinner. And afterwards, assassinate the motherfucker.

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