Sunday, September 04, 2005

Essay 139

The Sunday Evening News with MultiCultClassics Minutes…

• Time magazine dubbed him “Hip-Hop’s Class Act.” He rejects the gangsta lifestyle. His words can be positive and uplifting. He cried for rappers to end gay-bashing lyrics. His style is sophisticated and clean. Critics have called him a voice for this or any other generation. Then… he bashed President Bush. On live TV. During a charity benefit broadcast by NBC. He even said, “George Bush doesn’t care about black people.” Hey, maybe Kanye West could perform a duet with classical pianist Condoleezza Rice.

• Bush top aides met with Black leaders to discuss issues and plans surrounding the relief efforts in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. “I think they wanted to make sure that the leaders of the Congressional Black Caucus, the Urban League and the NAACP knew that they were very sensitive to trying to make sure that things went right from here on out. And I think they wanted to try to dispel any kind of notions that the administration did not care about African American people — or anyone else,” said meeting attendee Rep. Elijah E. Cummings. No word yet on when the Bush aides will meet with Kanye West.

• A Chicago alderman is catching heat for a memo in which she stated a neighborhood’s increased trash and rodent problem was “due to the enormous amount of Latinos residing in the” area. The alderman has received phone calls, including a racist message, from unhappy community members. She claimed a staff member wrote the memo, and she signed it without carefully reviewing it. Which sort of sounds like a bunch of garbage.

• American Express is experiencing the downside of celebrity sports spokespersons. The financial client bankrolled a splashy multimedia campaign starring Andy Roddick to run during the U.S. Open. Unfortunately, Roddick lost in the first round. Ironically, the only chance of spotting the wunderkind at this point is by viewing the commercials and print ads. The campaign plays off “Andy’s Mojo.” The concept should be revised to “Andy’s No-Show.”

• The Charlotte Observer conducted a study that revealed Blacks who purchased homes were significantly more likely to receive mortgage loans at higher rates versus lower market rates. In fact, the figures showed Blacks were four times as likely as Whites to get hit with loans at higher rates. Plus, the top 10 banks rejected Blacks twice as often as Whites. Wonder if George and Weezy Jefferson faced similar challenges when they were movin’ on up.

• The Chicago Public Health Department is releasing a report titled, “The Challenge To An Apple A Day.” The pioneering study details the types of food and products available to people in different communities. One particularly disturbing finding: Folks in poor, inner-city neighborhoods have few outlets offering fresh, high-quality produce. It’s pretty sad when your produce options lead with Froot Loops and Apple Jacks.


  1. Could someone tell me why survivors being relocated to Lubbock, TX., were searched and what meager belongings they managed to salvage were examined by drug sniffing dogs as they exited the plane???

  2. ..and Kanye West got it wrong. George Bush just doesn't care...period!
