Monday, September 12, 2005

Essay 147

Just another manic Monday with MultiCultClassics Minutes…

• How bad are things for California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger? He’s getting his old movie lines thrown back in his face — by people in his own party. Schwarzenegger is poised to veto numerous bills, which will ultimately polarize voters. One bill designed to give driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants has Republicans fuming. “If this bill should be passed…and the governor should sign it into law,” Republican Assemblyman Dennis Mountjoy proclaimed, “he will hear a cry of the people greater than ever before. And the cry of the people will be, ‘Hasta la vista, baby.’” Memo to Governor Schwarzenegger: You’re being terminated.

• Bill Cosby is once again reprimanding someone for displaying poor morals. Except this time the target of Cosby’s scorn is a guy in Tennessee using an Internet domain name including the words “Fat Albert.” The comedic icon insisted the domain name infringed his trademark rights; plus, it diverted surfers to a site selling sexually explicit items. Hey, hey, hey — wonder how Mr. Jell-O discovered the sexually explicit stuff.

• Tyson Foods is facing a discrimination lawsuit that includes accusations its Alabama plant had a bathroom displaying a “whites only” sign on the door. The company’s PR machine is running hard now, showcasing Tyson’s commitment to diversity and goodwill efforts and initiatives. Tyson also promised up to $1 million in food and aid to Hurricane Katrina victims. White meat or dark meat?

• Shortly after the city paid tribute to the fourth anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks, a New York firefighter allegedly assaulted an immigrant worker for looking “like he’s al-Qaida.” The 27-year-old firefighter was arrested for injuring the 51-year-old Bangladesh immigrant with a piece of Plexiglas. Police are still trying to determine if the attack would be upgraded to a hate crime. Based on the reports, the firefighter is looking like he’s al-Campanis.

• Cornel West joined Kanye West in criticizing President Bush. “How can anyone conclude that the Bush administration has compassion for Black people?” West asked during a speech at Rutgers University. “Look at the Super Dome, a living hell for Black people. It’s not a big move from the hull of the slave ship to the living hell of the Superdome.” Actually, the Superdome has been a living hell for Saints fans for many seasons now.

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