Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Essay 170

The Monday Night Game with MultiCultClassics Minutes…

• Brown is the new Black at Red Cross shelters for Hurricane Katrina victims. Cops have been cracking down on illegal immigrants, forcing people to leave the shelters with threats of deportation. Red Cross officials do not support the eviction efforts, insisting, “The people [at the shelters] have been treated with respect by the Red Cross...We don’t profile people.” Police officers, on the other hand, can’t possibly make that claim.

• Former American Idol champion Fantasia Barrino revealed in her recently released autobiography that she’s functionally illiterate. Wonder how she likes her new book.

• The Supreme Court declined to review a lawsuit filed by three White students challenging the admissions policies at the University of Washington’s Law School. The students sought to collect damages from the school for its use of race as a factor in admissions. The justices opted to let stand an earlier ruling stating the school’s actions were legal. Ironic that lawyer wannabes would seek to sue a law school and try to bring the case to the highest legal branch available. These kids will probably never get so far in a courtroom again.

• People are dying to get into Arizona — literally. The state set a record of 460 migrant deaths in the past year. Officials cite the primary causes for the higher death rate as hot weather and longer routes through the desert to avoid detection.

• New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg visited Black churches and denounced William Bennett’s recent insensitive remarks linking Black birth rates to crime. Rev. Al Sharpton denounced Bloomberg for refusing to participate in a debate in Harlem. Somebody is scheduled to denounce Sharpton soon.

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