Thursday, October 20, 2005

Essay 186

Celebrity-Studded MultiCultClassics Minutes…

• Michael Jackson must appear in court again — but this time it’s for jury duty. The King of Pop received a summons, but he’s hoping to moonwalk away from his responsibilities by claiming he’s no longer a resident at Neverland Valley Ranch. He could have simply claimed he’s no longer an earthling.

• George W. Bush may be the most unpopular president among Blacks since the dawning of U.S. poll taking, according to a poll taken by NBC and The Wall Street Journal. Bush received a staggering 2 percent approval rating among Blacks. Damn, what’s up with 2 percent of Black folks?!

• Some NBA players are calling the league’s new dress code racist. “One thing to me that was kind of racist was you can’t wear chains outside your clothing…I don’t understand what that has to do with being business approachable...You wear a suit you still could be a crook. You see all that happened with Enron and Martha Stewart,” said Warriors guard Jason Richardson. Players will be prohibited from wearing visible chains, pendants or medallions over their clothes. Wonder if the rules apply to referees’ whistles.

• Can we talk race? Joan Rivers launched into a screaming rant on a live radio show in London. It all started when another guest, writer and Black activist Darcus Howe, discussed how race affects personal relationships. Rivers snapped, “I’m so bored with race.” The comment initiated an argument with accusations, cursing and more. Hey, maybe the surgically-altered Rivers actually said, “I’m so bored with face.” Catch the fight at

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