Sunday, October 23, 2005

Essay 193

This can only mean one thing — it’s time for MultiCultClassics Minutes…

• Young DeBarge, former brother-in-law of Janet Jackson, claimed on live radio the singer has a secret 18-year-old daughter. This can only mean one thing. Janet Jackson is about to release another CD.

• While 50 Cent was filming a documentary in Jamaica, four members of his posse were arrested — and two of them were packing firearms. This can only mean one thing. The two unarmed men probably left their guns at the hotel.

• Len Dresslar, who voiced the Jolly Green Giant and other ad critters, died at age 80. This can only mean one thing. Sprout is going to have to step up.

• Newborn Nursery Adoption Centers, the latest big thing in the toy business, lets kids adopt dolls for $100 each — complete with toy sellers dressed as nurses and fake adoption papers. Now the toy ploy is under fire from advocacy groups who argue the dolls demean the real adoption process. So far, FAO Schwarz and Saks Inc. are ignoring the protests. This can only mean one thing. The dolls must be making a ton of money.

• A St. Louis CEO racked up over $240,000 in American Express charges at a New York strip joint in 2003, and now the credit card company is suing for payment. This can only mean one thing. The strip joint scene in St. Louis must really suck.

• A study by the Higher Education Research Institute at the University of California, Los Angeles, revealed Black college students have strong spiritual beliefs. In the category of “Religious commitment” — which includes following religious teachings in daily life and having faith in a greater power — 47 percent of Blacks scored high versus 25 percent of Whites. This can only mean one thing. White folks are evil.

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