Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Essay 201

Tuesday Twilight MultiCultClassics Minutes…

• In light of the Neil French debacle, it’s interesting to note a report regarding WPP Group Chief Executive Martin Sorrell. Seems Sorrell has split with his wife of 32 years — and the divorce settlement cost him $51.5 million. Raising kids might make you a crappy creative director, but the in case of Mrs. Sorrell, it can still be highly profitable and rewarding.

• The Minuteman Civil Defense Corps aren’t satisfied merely watching guard over the U.S.-Mexican border. Now the group is patrolling the Canadian border too. The controversial volunteers are determined to stop the threat of illegal immigrants. Wonder when they’ll set up stations in Alaska and Hawaii.

• The final battle is underway in Ohio between Statehouse lobbyists and adult clubs. Legislation has been designed to strip the joints of their entertainment value, including rules that would force dancers to stay six feet away from gentlemen. The Minuteman Civil Defense Corps will probably volunteer to enforce the new laws.

• A fashion event in Chelsea’s Sapa restaurant got ugly when the owner nixed the show four hours before its scheduled start time. The mostly Black and Hispanic models were run off the runway by the allegedly racist restaurateur who called them “ghetto trash.” Owner Brian Matzkow denies mouthing the remark, although a handful of witnesses say otherwise. Maybe Matzkow said their gear was “ghetto fab.”

• Looks like we may never know exactly what Neil French said on the infamous night in Toronto. The organization behind the soiree, ihaveanidea, has opted not to release the commemorative DVD. Rumors claim lawyers for French and Ogilvy & Mather are blocking any attempt to publicize things further. What a bunch of crap.

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