Thursday, November 03, 2005

Essay 213

A slow news day with MultiCultClassics Minutes…

• The shooting involving rapper Cam’ron is still a mystery to investigators. Patrolling police apparently witnessed the incident, reporting a gunman fired at the artist’s Lamborghini and a Range Rover carrying his entourage. The shooter and a companion crashed the Ford Expedition they were driving shortly after the attack, but managed to escape. It’s all starting to sound like a bizarre car commercial.

• Denver residents voted to legalize the possession of marijuana for adults. Miami Dolphins running back Ricky Williams demanded an immediate trade to the Broncos.

• White students at the University of Chicago sparked controversy for staging a “straight thuggin’” party, where people listened to rap music and dressed in mock hip-hop gear. University officials expressed concern over the racial overtones, and called for an open meeting among students and faculty to discuss the matter. Not scheduled to attend the gathering: Vanilla Ice.

• St. Luke School in suburban Milwaukee cancelled an upcoming American Girl Fashion Show, upset over the doll company’s support of a national girls organization that accepts abortion and lesbian sexual orientation. Perhaps the fashion show will be replaced with a “straight thuggin’” party.

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