Saturday, November 05, 2005

Essay 217

Saturday Night Jive with MultiCultClassics Minutes…

• President Bush has ordered his staff to attend ethics briefings, making attendance mandatory. The briefings will cover refresher courses including “the rules governing the protection of classified information” — which should be particularly enlightening for Vice President Cheney and his cohorts. Can’t help but think these ethics briefings are long overdue. By at least five years.

• Black politicians in California are crying foul over a misleading mailer for a drug industry-supported campaign. The mailer is titled, “The Black Woman’s Guide to California Politics,” and its contents ask voters to back Proposition 78 — a measure that would permit drug companies to voluntarily cap prices to avoid mandated caps. Funny thing is, the mailer features photos of Black state and federal legislators who don’t support Proposition 78, right alongside pleas to vote for the measure. Of course, tiny mouse print states the depiction of legislators in the mailer does not signify their endorsement. Those pharmaceutical companies really are the masters of legal disclaimers. It all presents another example of Black leaders lashing out against drug dealers.

• Looks like the U.S. isn’t the only country struggling with immigrants and racial segregation. France is into its tenth day of violent rioting involving immigrants and lower-income communities. The similarities between the U.S. and France are downright eerie. Déjà vu? The Minuteman Border Patrol should have a field day with this scenario.

• A California peace group called Breasts Not Bombs has made its mark by having members go topless during protests. But officials at the state Capitol are prepared to put a squeeze on the efforts, threatening to charge the women as sex offenders. There’s a joke involving “weapons of mass destruction” here somewhere.

• R. Kelly is pursuing another lawsuit against Jay-Z. The new suit charges Kelly and companions were pepper-sprayed in the face by an associate of Jay-Z, and the sprayer was ultimately rewarded with a record company executive job. Not sure what Kelly hopes to prove. Kelly has sprayed people in the face over the years too, though not with pepper spray.

• El Carajo Restaurant is getting its sign after all. The Miami eatery came under fire when folks complained Spanish translations for the name include penis and other expletives (see Essay 181). The owners insist the name means the crow’s nest of a ship. City officials tried to deny a permit for the sign, but ultimately bowed to legal advice. Menu items at the restaurant include… uh, never mind. Just be careful when ordering the Chef’s Special.

• Minnesota Vikings players are boycotting a local TV station for investigative journalism involving the infamous “Love Boat” scenario (see Essay 178). A reporter allegedly scoured through players’ garbage for evidence. Not sure what the problem is here. Given the tawdry details of the actual event, it seems completely appropriate to seek details in the trash.

• The National Legal and Policy Center, a conservative group focused on good government, is calling out Diddy (Sean Combs). The group has filed a complaint with the Federal Election Committee, claiming Combs violated campaign and tax laws when supporting John Kerry in the last presidential election. Wonder what Kanye West would have to say about this.

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