Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Essay 222

National and International MultiCultClassics Minutes…

• Black firefighters from Cleveland came away with a split decision in their lawsuit against the city. Jurors decided the firefighters faced racist behavior, and the city failed to properly respond. Additionally, a 1996 test for promotions to captain and lieutenant discriminated against Blacks. However, jurors deemed tests in 2000 and 2002 to be acceptable. “I can’t believe there’s such problems after all these years,” one juror said. The guy probably doesn’t get out much.

• Two members of Breasts Not Bombs were arrested for picketing topless at the state Capitol in California (See Essay 217). The women were protesting Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s ballot measures for a special election. Officials are deciding whether or not to charge the two as sex offenders. Can’t imagine the Governor would have any issues with their actions.

• Fox News has been accused of sexual harassment in a suit filed by the Equal Opportunity Commission. The charges state a Fox vice president “routinely used gross obscenities and vulgarities when describing women or their body parts.” During a discussion on sexism in the workplace, the executive said, “Of course I’d pick the man” when given a choice between hiring a male or female — in addition to expressing his concern that women become pregnant and leave their positions. Here’s another blowhard ready to join adman Neil French for Happy Hour 24/7.

• “The commission reported in April that a lack of training led to behavior that was at best clumsy and at worst racist in those neighborhoods with large immigrant populations. It criticized the fact that [the area’s] police officers have rarely been punished for misdeeds and lamented the lack of ethnic diversity in all branches of the police. That lack may be compounding the racial connotations of the civil unrest, with [immigrant youth] pitted against a predominantly white police force.” Sound like a scenario from the mean streets of New York, Miami or Los Angeles? Try Paris, France — where the rioting continues with virtually no end in sight.

• Authorities are beefing up security measures for potential violence that includes vandalism, civil disobedience, racially motivated mayhem and gunfire. More news from Paris, France? No, just preparations for the release of the 50 Cent movie on November 9.

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