Friday, November 25, 2005

Essay 248

Take a Break from the Holiday Shopping Frenzy with MultiCultClassics Minutes…

• Former FEMA Director Michael Brown, who was ousted for screwing up the official response to Hurricane Katrina, is now launching a consulting firm for disaster preparedness. Well, Brown certainly qualifies as being a major disaster.

• The St. Louis CEO who allegedly charged $241,000 for entertainment at a New York strip club has resigned. He should consider launching a consulting firm for CEOs who charge $241,000 for entertainment at New York strip clubs.

• Don’t mean to rain on their parade, but NBC on-air personalities displayed a certain air-headedness over the balloon accident that occurred during the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade. An M&M balloon knocked over a light pole, injuring two spectators. But Katie Couric, Matt Lauer and Al Roker appeared oblivious, continuing with their corny, scripted banter. Guess it’s too much to expect for news show anchors to report the news – especially when they’re literally in the middle of it.

• Folks in Kalamazoo, Michigan are criticizing a 65-year-old statue titled, “The Fountain of the Pioneers.” The statue depicts an American Indian kneeling before a White settler holding a stick over him. Protestors insist the statue is a “monument to evil subjugation, the violent removal of the people who were first on this land.” Perhaps the statue could be revised, replacing the stick with keys to a casino.

1 comment:

  1. I saw the news story about Michael Brown and all I could do was roll my eyes and groan. What arrogance this man has that he cannot admit his mistakes and his short comings.

    Peace, Virginia
