Friday, December 16, 2005

Essay 284

Thank [insert politically-correct deity here] It’s Friday with MultiCultClassics Minutes…

• In light of the recent rioting, Australian leaders continue to ponder whether the country is racist. Let’s see. 92 percent Caucasian population. Official “Whites only” policies through the 1970s. No official apology to the nation’s Aborigines for generations of bad treatment. Crikey, they’re crackers.

• Atlanta is the first U.S. city with an official hip hop anthem — The ATL. Like all things hip hop-related, the tune has its critics and controversies. The ATL was written by Dallas Austin, a music producer based in Atlanta — and it was commissioned by Mayor Shirley Franklin. The lyrics include, “Get ‘em up, get ‘em up, get ‘em up, get ‘em up, get ‘em up, let’s go…” A local TV personality griped, “Not a good line for a city with a high crime rate.”

• The American Family Association is threatening to restart its boycott of Ford Motor Company now that the automaker has renewed its commitment to advertise in gay publications. “We had an agreement with Ford, worked out in good faith. Unfortunately, some Ford Motor Co. officials made the decision to violate the good faith agreement," AFA Chairman Don Wildmon stated. “We are now considering our response to the violation and expect to reach a decision very soon.” This guy needs a visit from the Queer Eye team riding in a Land Rover.

• Chicago is launching Park Boulevard, the first new mixed-income housing development. “We’re the only city in the nation attacking this problem. If they don’t attack the problem and do something about it…You keep reading all about Paris, outside of Paris. Isolation of the poor, what has taken place there. That could come very quickly to the United States,” Mayor Richard Daley said. Um, you mean like South Central or New Orleans?

• Rev. Al Sharpton will repay over $100,000 in public matching funds he received during the 2004 presidential race. Critics reported Sharpton led a swanky lifestyle on the campaign trail, staying at expensive hotels. At the same time, it’s unlikely other candidates were bunking at the Red Roof Inn. Plus, Sharpton is the first candidate since 1976 to give back all matching funds to the FEC. “They found no impropriety…There were no fines. There was no violation,” Sharpton proclaimed. Yeah, but he’s probably got suitcases filled with hotel toiletries and plastic shower caps.

• Now for sale: The home and log cabin referenced in the classic book, “Uncle Tom’s Cabin.” Seems like the perfect getaway place for Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.

• Donald Trump hired Randal Pinkett on the fourth season of The Apprentice. Pinkett becomes the first Black candidate to win the prize. However, it’s highly unlikely he’ll ever match the success of first season loser Omarosa.

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