Saturday, December 17, 2005

Essay 286

MultiCultClassics Minutes presents Web-based Weekend News…

• Hip hop radio personality Ed Lover is back on the air after cold-cocking a woman in a trendy Manhattan nightclub (see Essay 280). “His actions were totally justified. He did nothing wrong,” Lover’s lawyer argued. Totally justified? Now this is going to be interesting.

• Six White firefighters in Chicago won $3.5 million after suing for discrimination. The firefighters claimed the city’s affirmative action initiatives denied them promotions. Discrimination in the workplace sucks. But you have to wonder how many minority firefighters were denied promotions prior to the city’s affirmative action plan.

• Workers remodeling an old Arkansas store discovered a blast from the past: the words “White” and “Colored” painted where water fountains used to be. The building is now being reconstructed as loft apartments and retail space. Wonder if the new area will be integrated.

• A billboard in North Carolina has sparked protests from Arab-Americans. The photo image features a man clad in traditional Arab head scarf with a hand grenade and local driver’s license. The headline reads, “Don’t license terrorists, North Carolina.” The group behind the billboard — The Coalition for a Secure Driver’s License — defends the work. “We’re not going after Arab-Americans. We’re going after terrorists,” said the group’s leader. A spokesperson for the Arab American Institute countered, “The message of the ad says that Arabs are dangerous and violent people and that therefore they should not get driver’s licenses and I think it’s bigoted. It’s racist.” A Google search showed supporters of The Coalition for a Secure Driver’s License include an organization called White Revolution.

• Actor Morgan Freeman blasted Black History Month during an interview on CBS 60 Minutes. “You’re going to relegate my history to a month? I don’t want a Black history month. Black history is American history,” Freeman argued. Ironically, countless Black History Month ads sport headlines proclaiming, “Black history is American history.” Freeman also observed there is no “white history month.” Well, technically, every month celebrates White history. Don’t look for Freeman to do voiceovers for Mickey D’s 365 Black campaign. Which is good news for Tom Joyner, since that’s his gig.

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