Thursday, December 29, 2005

Essay 313

Here’s a dubious tribute from Toyota, appearing in various January 2006 Black publications.

An image of Martin Luther King, Jr. appears in a car’s rear view mirror. The headline (printed on the mirror’s surface) reads, “OBJECTS IN MIRROR ARE FURTHER THAN THEY APPEAR.”

Huh? Not sure what the intended message is here. Maybe Toyota is saying that MLK’s vision is still far from reach. Based on the Black-targeted advertising Toyota produces, that would certainly be an accurate statement.

The body copy reads, “As you move forward in your life, take a minute to reflect and celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., the man whose dream you continue to get to live every day.” Damn, that’s some patronizing bullshit. And why is everything addressed to YOU? Shouldn’t it really be WE? After all, the man’s dream was supposed to benefit everyone.

This garbage hardly reflects the Toyota position of “moving forward.”

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Ugh, I literally cringed when I saw this ad. I never know looking at a Japanese corporate ad whether the problem is a culturally insensitive American-based agency, or a very bad Japanese attempt at English. FYI (not defending here) the Japanese don't normally use personal or personal possessive pronouns in conversation (I, me, mine, you etc)- a nod to their belief conversation stating a personal preference is rude. Weird but apparently true.
