Thursday, January 05, 2006

Essay 324

The MultiCultClassics Monologue investigates improper investments…

• So much for Morgan Stanley’s commitment to serving “One client at a time.” The financial company fired four employees for taking a client to a strip club. Now this scenario would make a provocative Morgan Stanley commercial.

• Here comes the judge. A district judge from Oklahoma has been charged with masturbating while on the bench. A court reporter allegedly took notes of the antics — which included using a penis pump and shaving his pubic hair during proceedings. It’s the perfect story for CourtTV After Dark.

• Late-night viewers got a treat when David Letterman lit up Bill O’Reilly. During debates about the war in Iraq, Letterman told O’Reilly, “I have a feeling that 60 percent of what you say is crap.” Letterman’s figure seems pretty low for that estimate.

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