Monday, January 23, 2006

Essay 353

Talking Nazi Trash with a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• Sen. Barack Obama supported Hillary Clinton’s “plantation” remark, but he won’t back Harry Belafonte’s latest “Gestapo” and “terrorist” rants. “I never use Nazi analogies because I think that those were unique,” Obama said. Regarding Belafonte calling President Bush a “terrorist,” Obama said, “I don’t think it’s appropriate. That’s not language that I would use, but keep in mind one of the great things about the United States is all of our citizens have the right to speak our minds about what’s going on politically.” Guess Belafonte thinks a mind is a terrible thing to waste.

• Ford Motor Company officially announced it will slash up to 30,000 jobs. “These cuts are a painful last resort, and I’m deeply mindful of their impact,” Chairman and Chief Executive Bill Ford said. That’s an easy statement to make when you’re not going to be among the 30,000 feeling the pain.

• In 2005, there were just five Hispanic CEOs in Fortune 500 companies. With William D. Perez resigning from Nike, the number now stands at four. It’s pretty sad that a single resignation can instantly decrease the overall total by 20 percent.

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