Thursday, January 26, 2006

MultiCultClassics FAQ

MultiCultClassics FAQ

Q. Where the hell am I?
A. Welcome to As the subtitle states, you’re viewing “Musings on Multiculturalism in the Ad Industry and Beyond.”

Q. What’s the point?
A. There are multiple points. The advertising industry continues to struggle with exclusivity and discrimination. No need to elaborate on the whys. But there is a tremendous need to consider what we can do about it — and even why we must do something about it. MultiCultClassics presents a stage for discussions, debates, strategies and more. Additionally, the blog offers you the chance to step outside of your own cultural comfort zone and experience broader perspectives. In short, MultiCultClassics delivers a recommended daily allowance of multiculturalism.

Q. Why bother satisfying a recommended daily allowance of multiculturalism?
A. Because we live in a multicultural society. Too many issues in the advertising industry — and the world, for that matter — are rooted in simple unfamiliarity with different cultures. The essays in this blog seek to expose everyone to cultural news and concepts that will hopefully lead to a better understanding for all.

Q. Are there other points?
A. Yeah, but you’ll discover them over time.

Q. Who’s writing all this crap?
A. Technically, lots of folks. The essays are a combination of musings, editorials, news briefs, collected articles/columns and more.

Q. Then who’s HighJive?
A. Technically, lots of folks. Sometimes HighJive is the editor-in-chief. Sometimes HighJive is writing personal viewpoints and observations. Sometimes HighJive is a guest writer. Sometimes HighJive is relaying information and anecdotal essays from associates. Sometimes HighJive is swiping stories from a variety of sources.

Q. Does HighJive have experience in the ad industry?
A. Lots of folks comprising the HighJive persona have lots of experience in the business. The primary HighJive has worked at numerous mass market and multicultural agencies, producing award-winning work for major brands.

Q. Why the anonymity?
A. Lots of reasons. Avoiding the political retaliation that often accompanies speaking the truth is one motive. But more importantly, a desire to focus on issues versus individuals remains the ultimate goal. Again, this forum allows lots of folks to voice their opinions freely. There are additional reasons, but they’re not important.

Q. Why are the essays numbered versus titled?
A. The essays are intended to be read sequentially. In some respects, this is a social experiment and a continuing conversation. Visitors should stop by regularly to keep up with the latest and immerse themselves in our multicultural world.

Q. Who’s paying for this?
A. It’s totally pro-bono. There are no advertisers or sponsors. There are no hidden agendas. It’s a 100% volunteer venture, so don’t send applications seeking a salaried position.

Q. Who should visit MultiCultClassics?
A. Everyone. What’s more, everyone should share the site with everyone they know. This blog works best with an inclusive and inquisitive spirit. Please visit often. Admission is free. Open to the public 24 hours a day.

Q. Where do I begin?
A. Start by reading Essay One. It sets the tone for everything that follows. Click on the essay title above to go directly to the kick-off entry.


  1. This is the best site I've stumbled on in a while.

  2. Ditto what inciquay said. I look forward to visiting frequently. Lots of good thinking here.
