Saturday, February 04, 2006

Essay 377

Another Saturday Morning MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• Dave Chappelle spoke with Oprah, honestly revealing his conflicted motives for leaving his popular Comedy Central show. In the end, the comic appeared anything but crazy — contrary to the media reports. Chappelle also said he’s open to resuming the program under certain conditions, including creating a better work environment and donating more profits to charitable causes. “Dave is a comedic genius whose work we truly value and our door will always be open to him,” Comedy Central said in a statement. The network better keep its bank vault door open too.

• A group of Black women accepted $1.9 million from O’Hare International Airport for alleged illegal pat-downs and strip searches. The 87 women filed a lawsuit in 1997, charging customs agents systematically targeted them without cause. The group’s lawyer said Black women were disproportionately searched at the airport, yet agents “virtually never found drugs.” Sounds like a Chappelle’s Show sketch gone wrong.

• Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld compared Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez to another famous dictator. Rumsfeld remarked, “[Chávez is] a person who was elected legally — just as Adolf Hitler was elected legally — and then consolidated power and now is, of course, working closely with Fidel Castro and Mr. Morales and others.” Rumsfeld is hardly the person to be criticizing fanatical dictators.

• Actor Robert Blake filed for bankruptcy. Blake claims his trial costs have financially wiped him out. The lawyer who won a judgment against Blake at the civil trial isn’t convinced. “The concept of Robert Blake doing everything he can to avoid paying was highly anticipated,” the lawyer said. “And we’re ready for it.” It’s pretty clear that Blake filed for moral bankruptcy years ago.

• A new program is demonstrating the power and effectiveness of outdoor advertising. Cities across the country are using billboards to display the names and photos of criminal fugitives, offering rewards for tips. Kansas City erected ten billboards, resulting in seven arrests tied to the postings. Look for new billboards in L.A. to feature Robert Blake.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know how I feel about his time on Oprah, but Dave had a point when he said "Who goes to Africa for medical attention" I laughed my ass off..
