Sunday, February 05, 2006

Essay 381

It’s ironic that the Dove Super Bowl spot appeared during one of the most plain and ugly games in recent NFL history.

Dove’s biased views on beauty continue to reveal a disturbing insensitivity. Why imply the Asian girl wearing a bathing suit in the shower is unattractive? Why imply the dark-haired minority girl — who would be considered strikingly gorgeous by even Eurocentric beauty standards — wishes she were blonde? And when the spot transitions to the uplifting message of hope and improved self-esteem, why show a dancing trio of pretty and angelic White girls?

Once again, Dove sought to redefine our notions on beauty. But in the end, the advertiser presented the message with stereotypically beautiful girls. Dove had an opportunity to realize a breakthrough achievement by depicting ordinary, unspectacular girls. Yet like the Indianapolis Colts, the advertiser choked. Dove ultimately perpetuated the status quo so prevalent in mainstream media. Plus, displaying the non-White girls as less than beautiful is arguably racist.

Referring to girls’ alleged negative self-perceptions, Dove proclaims, “Let’s change their minds.” Maybe the advertiser should start by reevaluating its own twisted perspectives.


To view the commercial, click on the essay title above. Plus, feel free to review Essays 119, 340 and 373.

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