Thursday, February 23, 2006

Essay 430

Dear Mexican,
Why do Mexicans call white people gringos?

Dear Gabacho,
Mexicans do not call gringos gringos. Only gringos call gringos gringos. Mexicans call gringos gabachos.


Dear Mexican,
Why do Mexican women dress up to go to the swap meet? …. Why do Mexicans put on their Sunday best to shop at Wal-Mart, Kmart, Target, etc.?

Dear Pochas,
… You gotta love our moms and aunts, ¿quĂ© no? Despite living in abject conditions, never having enough money to purchase vaccines for the kids — let alone save up for a Prada this or Manolo that — Mexican women always primp themselves for something as simple as buying tortillas.


And so it goes. The Los Angeles Times spotlighted “Ask A Mexican” — the work of a politically incorrect OC Weekly columnist who tackles folks’ frank questions about culture and more. Click on the essay title above to read the complete story. Or visit “Ask A Mexican” online at the link below.

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