Sunday, February 26, 2006

Essay 436

A MultiCultClassics Monologue Get-Together…

• New Century Foundation held a conference in Virginia on Saturday, with organization president Jared Taylor leading the festivities (pictured above left). A dress code required participants to don jackets and ties. Taylor remarked, “I don’t want an event I sponsor to be characterized by slovenliness.” The discussion topics included the key problem of “anti-racists” in the country. New Century Foundation is considered by many to be a hate group. The organization publishes a journal that the Anti-Defamation League says “promotes ‘genteel’ racism: pseudoscientific, questionably researched and argued articles that validate the genetic and moral inferiority of nonwhites.” A protestor at Saturday’s shindig said, “They are attempting to be respectable and appear to be intelligent. The truth is, they are nothing but lowdown Nazis,” Hey, let’s not insult Nazis like that.

• The Minuteman Project has migrated to Maryland. The anti-immigration group has been working in the area for the past few weeks. “The objective here is to send a clear message to the business community that it’s illegal to hire undocumented workers and it’s illegal not to pay appropriate taxes,” said the director of the group’s new chapter. Hey, these guys should hook up with the partying New Century Foundation members.

• A neo-Nazi rally in Florida turned violent on Saturday, as the hate group marched through a predominately Black neighborhood. Fights broke out between the group and protestors, and police made about a dozen arrests. “These are a bunch of criminal animals out there,” said National Socialist Movement spokesman Bill White. Hey, perfect last name for a neo-Nazi spokesman.

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