Saturday, March 04, 2006

Essay 449

Another reverent MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• The Los Angeles Times reported on the growing impact Catholic leaders are making in the immigration debates (see Essay 447). The Roman Catholic Church has been running a nationwide campaign designed to influence Congressional policies. “Ultimately, the Justice for Immigrants campaign is a response to the Lord’s call, for in the face of the migrant we see the face of Christ,” said Cardinal Theodore McCarrick of Washington. “If you want to live out your faith, you have to understand you cannot abandon those in need,” said one pastor in Manhattan Beach. “In the eyes of God, no one is illegal.” Except all those sex-abusing priests.

• British Prime Minister Tony Blair indicated God influenced his decision to send troops to Iraq. “That decision [to send troops to Iraq] has to be taken and has to be lived with,” Blair said in a televised interview. “And in the end there is a judgment that — well, I think if you have faith about these things, then you realize that judgment is made by other people.” When asked to elaborate, Blair offered, “If you believe in God, it’s made by God as well.” Well, at least Blair didn’t reference Flip Wilson’s classic line, “The devil made me do it!”

• Two more members resigned from Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich’s Commission on Discrimination and Hate Crimes, protesting another member’s unwillingness to denounce comments made by Minister Louis Farrakhan (see Essay 448). “The commission has been tasked with the laudable goals of promoting understanding, fighting intolerance and bridging divides,” one member wrote in his resignation letter to Blagojevich. “I fear it is painfully obvious that the commission as currently constituted is not serving those goals. I cannot serve on a commission that, by implication, accepts divisive and bigoted standards.” Ouch.

• The Washington Post spotlighted Dave Chappelle, who doesn’t blame his decisions and behavior on God or comments by Minister Louis Farrakhan. Click on the essay title above to view the story.

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