Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Essay 490

Crime and drugs in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• The Los Angeles Times reported gang-related homicides in Compton dropped from 22 in early 2005 to 3 this year, thanks to doubling the police force in the area. One potential problem: police don’t intend to keep the added staff in the long run. “Will resources eventually be removed from Compton? Yes, they will,” said Sheriff's Capt. Mike Ford. “But I am not going to advertise it to gang members.” Uh, you just did, officer.

• The Los Angeles Times also reported the LAPD failed to meet goals for promoting women, Blacks and Hispanics. The goals are required by a 1992 consent decree. Guess Compton homicides and minority promotions have both dropped.

• The new drug considered to be the next big thing for Blacks with heart troubles has bombed for pharmaceutical company Nitromed, leading to the resignation of two executives who strongly backed the product. Guess their hearts just weren’t into it.

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