Saturday, March 25, 2006

Essay 495

Getting fired up with a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• General Motors white-collar employees are anticipating a “Black Tuesday” — with rumors estimating 500 to 1,200 job cuts. The Washington Post, interviewing an anonymous GM employee, reported “the conference rooms at [the employee’s] office have been booked by human resources for Tuesday. [The employee] said that about one month ago, GM detailed severance packages. Workers will receive one month of severance for each year of service at the automaker, up to a maximum of 15 months. ‘It’s a mess there at work. Everyone is so worried, walking around wondering what’s going to happen.’” Talk about An American Revolution.

• The Washington Post also reported minorities in Washington will make up the majority within the next decade. There are already more minorities than Whites among residents under 40, and experts predict the numbers will continue to grow — ultimately affecting the area’s politics, economy and social persona. A demographer said, “Schools, young adult clubs, politics and the dating scene in D.C. will be increasingly multiethnic, creating a sharp contrast with the old, White establishment and the Black-dominated minority population of the past.” Perhaps we should consider renaming the President’s pad to “The Non-White House.”

• Controversial immigration legislation inspired rallies and protests across the nation on Friday. Students staged school walkouts. Employees organized work stoppages. And placards proclaimed, “Don’t panic, we’re Hispanic” and “We have a dream, too.” Somebody better tell Congress about the new majority coming to Washington.

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