Saturday, April 01, 2006

Essay 505

A diversity of protests with a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• The New York Post states that Naomi Campbell (pictured above) allegedly sought to cover up her assault of a worker (see Essay 504). After reportedly bashing the worker’s head with a cell phone, Campbell tried to convince the bleeding employee not to go to a hospital. Although the supermodel was charged with second-degree assault, Campbell protests the event never happened. “I really think someone else is going to be killed. [Campbell’s] out of control,” an ex-employee said on condition of anonymity. “She’s unpredictable and a dangerous person.” Well, she’s got killer looks.

• A New York hip-hop clothing store is sparking controversy with its t-shirts depicting Sesame Street characters as thugs. Bert’s got a 40, Ernie’s packing heat, Big Bird’s wearing a doo-rag and Oscar the Grouch is giving you the finger. “With all the crime that’s going on, this is some negativity we don’t need,” said a radio talk show host protesting the clothes. “Let’s not glorify it.” Besides, does Oscar even have a middle finger?

• Student protests over immigration continue to erupt across the nation. The rallies remain peaceful yet spirited. But the protestors span all ages. In Woodridge, Virginia, a kindergarten student was sent home for wearing a t-shirt that read, “Latinos Forever.” The school principal feared the design would be disruptive. The kid’s mother asked, “How is [a T-shirt] going to disrupt a kindergarten class?” Depends if the Sesame Street characters make a stance on immigration issues.

• A high school in Colorado is seeking to calm the immigration protests by banning students from displaying flags from the U.S. and other nations. Student disruptions had included kids angrily waving U.S. and Mexican flags in each other’s faces. “When [an incident] involves the American flag and its abuse in vilifying other people, we simply will not tolerate it,” the principal said. “[Students] were using the symbol derisively as misguided patriotism.” This is probably true, as most U.S. students probably don’t even know where Mexico is.

• Verizon was fined in Washington, D.C. for its ad campaign that defaced public property. The work featured chalk messages stenciled on sidewalks, promoting the company’s Yellow Pages service. “We take this kind of thing pretty seriously. Litter, graffiti, posters … anything that defaces, clutters or dirties the city and makes it less welcoming and less hospitable is really anathema,” a city official said. Actually, most of Verizon’s advertising could be categorized as stuff that defaces, clutters or dirties the city.

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