Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Essay 514

Crimes and rhymes in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• Rep. Cynthia McKinney (pictured above) may be charged with assault and more for scuffling with a U.S. Capitol cop. The congresswoman allegedly struck the officer with her cell phone. Who the hell does she think she is — Naomi Campbell? Or Foxy Brown?

• Rush Limbaugh once again revealed his true colors when commenting on the alleged sexual assault involving the Duke lacrosse team. Limbaugh remarked that Rev. Al Sharpton was “trying to figure out how he can get involved in the deal down there at Duke where the lacrosse team … supposedly, you know, raped some, uh, hos.” Ah, the musings of a bona fide drug addict.

• There’s a growing new movement in the hip-hop scene — Arab-American rappers. While some of these artists rhyme about post-9/11 frustrations, they’re not condoning or glorifying violence. “We don’t believe in violence on either side of the conflict,” said one rapper in reference to the Israeli-Palestinian fighting. “If we can help to clear up the hate, we’d even play together with an Israeli band.” Forget East Coast-West Coast showdowns. Now there are Middle East-West Bank rivalries.

• Geico is facing a lawsuit that charges the insurance company with discriminating against Blacks. The Wall Street Journal reported the company allegedly used education and employment status to determine rates, which led to Blacks paying higher rates. It’s probably not a coincidence that the Geico Gecko speaks with a European accent.

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