Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Essay 516

White folks speaking on race and racism in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• Bill O’Reilly demonstrated his keen insights into Black culture by proclaiming “the mainstream African-American person” is a “conservative at heart.” He added, “We’re not talking gangster rappers, or Rev. Jesse Jacksons. We’re talking mainstream.” Actually, O’Reilly was talking bullshit. Most research shows the majority of Blacks vote along Democratic lines. The truth is, “the mainstream African-American person” believes conservatives have no heart — and probably deems O’Reilly a complete moron.

• The controversy continues to swirl around the scuffle between Rep. Cynthia McKinney and a U.S. Capitol cop (see Essay 514). McKinney still argues race played a factor in the confrontation, but critics are offering counterattacks. “Cynthia McKinney is a racist,” griped Rep. Tom DeLay. “She has a long history of racism. Everything is racism with her. This is incredible arrogance that sometimes hits these members of Congress, but especially Cynthia McKinney.” DeLay is definitely the right person to weigh in on the issue. Right behind Bill O’Reilly and Rush Limbaugh.

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