Thursday, April 06, 2006

Essay 518

Short-lived love and growing hate in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• Eminem’s fast remarriage resulted in a re-divorce. Wonder if they’ll be returning all the re-wedding bling.

• Coming soon to your neighborhood — immigration-inspired protests. The Congressional debates and assorted issues have prompted nationwide marches and rallies galore. “We’ve always been separate and marginalized,” said a construction worker born in El Salvador currently living in California. “But I think the racism in this country has grown so much it’s time to say, ‘Enough!’ … Our community needs us to show that we’re here, and we’re not criminals.” Amen.

• Speaking of amen, California’s Cardinal Roger M. Mahony continues to preach from a pro-immigrant pulpit. “This is probably one of the most critical weeks in the history of our country, in this new millennium and in this new century,” Mahony said in reference to the immigration issues. “The United States Senate has the opportunity, at long last, after 20 years of inaction, of passing a new law that deals with all aspects of immigration.” The Roman Catholic Church has even produced a kit to help individual parishes handle everything from press releases to prayers — including relevant Scripture references and instructions on writing letters to Congress. So much for separation of Church and State.

• The Anti-Defamation League reported that anti-Semitic incidents are declining nationwide — except in Chicago. In 2005, the ADL listed 22 anti-Semitic incidents. There are already 24 in the first three months of 2006. Nazi references are among the top offenses. Perhaps folks should start referring to Chicago as “The SSecond City.”

• New York City boasted a reduction in anti-Semitic incidents, although the numbers rose statewide. “Despite … positive gains we have made in building a safer and more tolerant New York, it is clear that there is still a small minority of individuals who feel free to act out their anti-Semitism,” said an ADL official. For proof, the NYPD’s top-ranking uniformed cop allegedly hollered a racial slur on Tuesday. During a riot, Chief of Department Joseph Esposito reportedly shouted, “Get the fucking Jews out of here! I want heads rolling!” Police officials insist the man said, “Get the fucking people out of here!” Let’s hope these guys can get their fucking story straight.

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