Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Essay 526

Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• A judge denied Robert Blake’s request for a new civil trial for his wife’s murder. Blake was slapped with a $30 million jury verdict that he claims he can’t pay; plus, the actor accused jurors of misconduct. But the judge refused to toss the verdict. Guess this means Fred the cockatoo won’t have to appear as a character witness.

• The immigration rallies continue throughout the nation. Observers have been calling it a civil rights movement for immigrants. “We are in the situation that Rosa Parks was in several years ago,” said one protestor. “Enough is enough.”

• A lawsuit filed in Chicago charges 13 school districts abandoned a south suburban athletic conference for racial motives, hoping to separate Black and White students. Using phrases like, “apartheid-like realignment,” critics seek to undo the break-up. “Our school is rich in racial diversity,” countered an official from the departing schools. “We are running from nothing. We disagree with those allegations.” It all brings new meaning to showing your school colors.

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