Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Essay 528

A Mini Midweek MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• Another rapper has been gunned down. Proof (pictured above), a pal of Eminem, had his brains blown out in a Detroit nightclub. Police are working with little proof to apprehend the shooter.

• Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich’s proposal to ban junk foods in public schools was rejected. A legislative review panel nixed the plan, arguing with the standard political gobbledygook. “Members are laudatory of what the governor is trying to do,” said one Representative. “We would like to move forward with a more comprehensive approach to the broader issue of nutrition in schools.” Blagojevich shot back, “How could they possibly think that we ought to have junk food in schools? We’re talking about making sure that kids learn the right lessons in schools.” The lesson appears to be that a governor has less power than Chester the Cheetah.

• Mean girls have found a new way to bully peers — text messaging. A survey revealed text messages are the tactic of choice for female threatening geeks and assorted wimps. The survey also showed about 45% of girls had been victims of cyber-bullying. Whatever happened to good, old-fashioned ass-whuppings?

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