Thursday, April 20, 2006

Essay 543

Make up your mind with a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• Contrary to popular belief and the ravings of folks like Rush Limbaugh, a new study refutes the assertions that half of minority students fail to graduate from high school. The report claims that nearly 75 percent of minority students graduate with their peers or soon thereafter. But another report released earlier this week contradicts the new study, putting the figure at about 55 percent. Wonder if any of these researchers graduated from high school.

• Immigration groups are divided over the plans for May 1. One group has urged illegal immigrants and others to march, skip work and boycott U.S. companies to demonstrate their influence on the economy. Another group recommended rallying after work and school to avoid trouble. The Minuteman Project suggests they all vacate the country immediately.

• Federal agents raided the nationwide offices of a crate and pallet manufacturer, arresting hundreds of illegal immigrants employed by the company. “[Immigration and Customs Enforcement] has no tolerance for corporate officers who harbor illegal aliens for their work force. Today’s nationwide enforcement actions show how we will use all our investigative tools to bring these individuals to justice, no matter how large or small their company,” said an ICE official. Sounds like the official is a Minuteman Project member.

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