Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Essay 555

The Census Bureau is looking for a few good minorities in the advertising business.

The latest issue of Adweek reported on the impending search for an agency team to handle the $200 million Census Bureau account. Although Census 2010 is still many years away, analysts realize immigration issues will greatly impact the effort. So the Census Bureau wants to make sure it hires adfolks with all the necessary expertise.

According to Adweek, “bigger shops eyeing the account are already looking at potential pitch partners… with a focus on Hispanic and African-American market specialists since they’re expected to play significant supporting roles. And because a yet-to-be determined percentage of the project must be carried out by small, ‘disadvantaged’ or minority-owned businesses, some shops are focused on independents and those that are majority-owned by their principals.”

In other words, the White agencies are shopping for colored people.

It must be awkward for the White shops to suddenly court the multicultural companies they’ve politely ignored for generations. But Browns and Blacks become so appealing when Green is involved.

Let’s hope the Census Bureau doesn’t poll competing agencies for diversity.

1 comment:

  1. i think most of us would like to see all agencies become bastions of multiculturalism. the reality is it's still a 'good ol' boys' game and not many of them are willing to let us even help set the tone (pun intended).
