Saturday, May 06, 2006

Essay 572

Public nuisances in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• Michael Jackson is reportedly peeved about a GQ photo spread showing an impersonator in arguably hilarious scenarios. One shot has the Jackson-like figure in a movie theatre, sitting in a row filled with kids. The real Jackson is demanding an apology and wants the magazine pulled from store shelves. GQ’s editor-in-chief released the following statement: “It is very clear that the pictures in the story … are satirical, whether it’s a picture of a Michael Jackson imitator sitting in a Bahraini cinema or an image of The Gloved One standing flamboyantly in the desert. … Mr. Jackson may feel that the person in the photographs is an ‘impostor,’ but he is merely an imitator.” Yeah, that’s exactly the apology Jacko is seeking.

• A college in suburban Illinois published the Muhammad cartoons that originally sparked violent riots worldwide. The newspaper editors claimed they decided to show the images “not to incite anger or create news, but rather to cover a story and to allow for open discussion.” These guys sound like GQ-editor wannabes.

• New York’s hip-hop radio station Hot 97 is now suing its landlord, charging the building owner with discriminating against visitors. The landlord originally sued to evict the station, citing too many violent acts taking place on the premises (see Essay 568). Now Hot 97 claims its business is suffering because they’re being banned from conducting live interviews with rappers. The station’s lawsuit reads, “Already, after less than a week of living under [new mandates], the strains on Hot 97’s business are noticeable and growing.” If the suits ever go to trial, the courthouse metal detectors may overload — from firearms and bling.

• Wal-Mart’s $578 million ad review includes searching for new multicultural shops. Lopez Negrete Communications has handled the retailer’s Hispanic marketing for 11 years, while E. Morris Communications has handled Black marketing for 13 years. Both shops intend to defend the account. Wal-Mart spends $55 million per year with the Hispanic market, and about $30 million with Blacks. Wonder if the multicultural shops will have an opportunity to pitch concepts for the retailer’s overall campaign. It wouldn’t be tough to top the efforts of the current general market agency.

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