Saturday, May 13, 2006

Essay 588

O.J. and DJs in a MM…

• O.J. Simpson performed a gag on his new show “Juiced” that sparked controversy (pictured above). Simpson pretended to sell his infamous white Bronco, telling the prospective buyer, “It was good for me — it helped me get away.” O.J. hater Fred Goldman called the bit “morally reprehensible.” To use the appropriate comedy term, O.J. killed.

• DJ Star was busted for aggravated harassment and endangering the welfare of a child after threatening the family of rival DJ Envy (see Essay 586). According to on-air transcripts, DJ Star said he wanted to rape his rival’s 4-year-old daughter and referred to DJ Envy’s part-Asian wife as a “slant-eyed whore.” Following his arrest, the DJ proclaimed, “You’re looking at the new Lenny Bruce.” More like the new Lenny Kosnowski of Laverne & Shirley fame.

• The Minuteman Project capped its nationwide anti-immigration tour with a Washington rally on Friday. The crowd size was estimated at 150 people. That’s about 399,850 fewer supporters than the typical pro-immigration rallies.

• President Bush is reportedly considering a deployment of the National Guard to bolster security along the Mexican border. Military officials estimate that 3,500 to 10,000 troops may be necessary for such an effort. The Minuteman Project can offer at least 150 folks available to help.

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