Saturday, May 20, 2006

Essay 608

Colorful expressions with a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• Halle Berry got stormy with a radio DJ during a BBC interview. Berry and co-star Hugh Jackman appeared on Chris Moyle’s Radio One show to promote the latest X-Men flick. During the taping, Moyles began speaking with Jackman about the role of James Bond, joking he could play Jackman’s body double. “I could definitely do that,” Moyles insisted before adding, “Put your hands in the air!” A slightly confused Jackman asked, “Are you some kind of Brooklyn Bond?” Moyles responded, “I’m a Black American guy. A big, fat, Black guy. Put your hands up in the air.” Then Berry remarked, “Are we having a racist moment here?” At that point, the studio got chilly in Storm-like fashion.

• New White House Press Secretary Tony Snow sparked minor controversy with a remark to reporters. While trying to elude questions about the National Security Agency, Snow said, “I can’t confirm or deny it … Having said that, I don’t want to hug the tar baby of trying to comment on the program… the alleged program, the existence of which I can neither confirm or deny.” Joe Leonard, executive director of the Black Leadership Forum, said, “Why would you use rhetoric that is ensconced in such racism and discrimination unless you don’t have a regard for the gains that African Americans have made? … It’s simply inappropriate. Why didn’t he use ‘powder baby’ ‘talcum-powder baby?’ … There aren’t any lynchings of children associated with ‘talcum-powder baby.’” No word yet from Halle Berry.

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