Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Essay 714

Quick hits and minor assaults in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• Forget climbing fences and ladders. The latest trend for illegal immigrants involves sneaking into the U.S. inside cars and trucks. According to a story in The Washington Post, “[Illegal immigrants] cram themselves into empty gas tanks, hollowed-out dashboards and even engines. Others hide inside cargo, from piñatas to washing machines.” Let’s hope they’re using American-made vehicles.

• It’s not over yet for Rep. Cynthia McKinney (see Essay 699). Capitol police union officials are pissed off that a grand jury decided against indicting McKinney for assaulting an officer. So they’re asking the House ethics committee to review the incident. McKinney did not return calls for a statement. She was probably using her cell phone to beat someone.

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