Thursday, June 22, 2006

Essay 720

Daily dissing in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• Chicago White Sox manager Ozzie Guillen (pictured above) is taking heat for calling sports columnist Jay Mariotti a [bleeping] fag. Guillen has been known to launch profanity-filled tirades. Delivering an apology, the fiery skipper said, “The word I used, I should have used something different. A lot of people’s feelings were hurt and I didn’t mean it that way.” Given the animosity that Guillen and most Chicago sports fans have for Mariotti, the manager probably should have opted for the more appropriate “fucking jerk-off.”

• Now AT&T is changing its privacy policy, telling customers that it may disclose Internet and television records to government and law enforcement agencies. The company’s tagline — “Your world. Delivered.” — gets new meaning every day.

• Coretta King’s elder son now says it was a “big mistake” to stop Harry Belafonte from speaking at his mother’s funeral. While Belafonte charged the Bush administration with influencing the decision to rescind his invitation to the ceremony, King’s son denied it. “There was a big mix-up,” King said. “It certainly didn’t have anything to do with President Bush being there.” Guess Bush didn’t sing, “Daylight come and me wan’ Harry go home.”

• A New York City Council member proposed limiting the number of fast food joints in areas where there are youth obesity problems. The council member declared, “We have to be as strong with obesity as with the cigarette campaign. More people die from obesity-related issues than smoking cigarettes.” Yeah, but kids will die of embarrassment after being identified as living in fatso neighborhoods.

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