Monday, July 03, 2006

Essay 770

Bad habits and bad ideas in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• Experts are arguing over the best way to tell kids they have obesity problems. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention opts to avoid the word “obese,” fearing it carries too much of a stigma. But others think dealing with things more openly — that is, telling kids they’re fat — is more effective because it prohibits denial of a serious problem. Wonder how many cases of obese children involve obese parents. It must be rough in these cases of the pot calling the kettle black — especially when everyone’s overeating from both of them. Then again, obese children are probably already hearing it on the playground.

• LG Electronics invented the first cellphone that deals with drunk driving and drunk calling. The model features a real Breathalyzer. Plus, users can shut off access to certain numbers at specific times to prevent intoxicated calling and text messaging. So far, LG has sold over 200,000 cellphones. There’s got to be a TV commercial concept involving the Budweiser “Whassup” characters here.

• The latest Ariel Mutual Funds/Charles Schwab Black Investor Survey showed high-income Blacks save far less for retirement than their White counterparts. “[Blacks have] been banking on the pension promise. That’s why we’ve saved less,” said financial expert Mellody Hobson. “It’s a national crisis that will hit Blacks especially hard because we’ve bought all the promises.” And probably bought most of it on credit too.

1 comment:

  1. *ouch*! that credit line stung. although i'm certain whoever said 'the truth shall set you free' didn't mean from creditors.
