Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Essay 774

Depressing news in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• A new study showed a link between obesity and depression. A researcher for the study said the results “suggest that the cultural stereotype of the jolly fat person is more a figment of our imagination than a reality.” Maybe Mickey D’s should change the name of Happy Meals to Bipolar Disorder Meals.

• General Motors announced its U.S. sales dropped 25.9 percent in June. Last year, the automaker experienced increases of 41 percent when it gave consumers the same discounts as GM employees. Maybe they should offer folks the same buyouts being doled out to exiting workers.

• An Illinois study showed minority drivers still get stopped at a higher rate than White drivers. Plus, the percentage of minorities involved in consent searches statewide actually increased. GM could probably halt their sales skid by offering to pay for consumers’ traffic tickets.

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