Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Essay 779

MultiCultClassics presents mo’ diversity ads…

Hewitt proudly hypes its commitment to diversity. Maybe the HR company could help its advertising agencies figure things out too.


  1. I find it weird that although Canada is supposed to be considered a multicultural mosaic and America is supposed to be a melting pot of cultures, we don't have these types of advertisements up here. I’ve never seen a diversity ad in our own publications, so I even though they are laughable/questionable there’s a part of me that kinda likes them. The only time you get a multicultural ad in Canada is when a government agency (healthcare, census, voting, etc) does it, and then it includes as many nationalities as it possibly can. Being Black in Canada is never treated as a targeted consumer base. Hell, we don’t even get many of the hair (Pantene) or make up (Neutrogena) products that are available in the States. I called one of the companies once and apparently there’s no market in Canada for them to be bothered selling to. *shrug*

  2. Oh there's plenty o' racism here, we’re just too polite to talk about it ;-) That's why we don't do ads like this; it would be admitting we have a problem. I guess that's why I kinda like the motive behind this ad, although after reading 779 essays on the subject I can definitely see the problems with AND surrounding it.
    In Canada, West/East Indians market to each other in their own small ethnic papers...but I'm not either. I'm just a 5th generation Black Canadian by way of the Underground Railroad, through the U.S.
    Very rarely do we see people of color in Canadian brand national ads. I have to watch BET, to see if we still use the same things as Whites do, and you know how helpful BET can be with that.
    I hope this made more sense than my last post. LOL
    I have learned to proofread!

  3. Totally!

    Oh and thanx for the site recom. very interesting :-)
