Thursday, July 13, 2006

Essay 806

Dispelling popular notions and name-calling with a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• The Washington Post published a piece on Virginia Indians (pictured above). Contrary to popular belief, the tribes have not completely vanished. “People like to say that post-mid-17th century, there were no Virginia Indians,” said Stephen Adkins, chief of the Chickahominy tribe. “We’re going to dispel that notion. We’ve been kind of the best-kept secret in Virginia for 400 years.” Get in on the secret by clicking on the essay title above.

• The New York Times published a story detailing the evolution of the word, “Slut.” The term is allegedly becoming commonplace and positive. According to the story, “’Slut’ is tossed around so often and so casually that many teenagers use it affectionately and in jest among their friends, even incorporating it into their instant messenger screen names.” A senior editor at said, “It’s definitely a term of familiarity with teens … They’ll say ‘Hi, slut!’ the way my generation would say ‘Hi, chick!’ or ‘Hi, dawg!’” Hey, slut is the new N-Word.

• Foxy Brown delayed her upcoming trial (for allegedly beating manicurists with a cell phone) by firing her lawyer. It’s the second time the rapper has terminated an attorney. Wonder if this latest ex-lawyer remarked, “Bye, slut!”


  1. A Jane Curtain reference? Now see, that's just brilliant. Hajpaj, HighJive: I...(voice cracking) I love you guys!

  2. i love you sluts too
