Saturday, July 22, 2006

Essay 842

ICE and other chilly news in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement doubled the number of employers arrested for hiring illegal immigrants this year. So far, ICE has nabbed 445 folks and picked up about 2,700 others suspected of violating the rules. “ICE is taking an increasingly tough stance against egregious corporate violators that knowingly employ illegal aliens,” said an ICE official. “This is a wholesale departure from the past system of sanctioning corporate violators with minor fines, which were rarely paid in a timely manner or at all.” In other words, ICE has decided to start living up to the enforcement part of their name.

• Federal prosecutors are cracking down on migrant smugglers. Three Florida men allegedly involved in a smuggling ring were slapped with a 68-count indictment, and they face possible life sentences after a woman died during a car chase across the border. “I do believe smuggling ventures go well beyond individual drivers and are part of larger organizations,” said a federal lawyer. Somebody better tell it to ICE too.

• Ice queen Naomi Campbell has taken her tantrums beyond housekeeper beating. The supermodel was arrested for staging a disturbance outside an ex-boyfriend’s home. Campbell claimed she was trying to return belongings. Probably wanted to give back jeans and a cellphone.

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