Monday, July 24, 2006

Essay 850

Cherry Bomb and other explosive devices in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• John Mellencamp managed to piss off former vice president Dan Quayle during a recent concert. Before performing the song “Walk Tall,” Mellencamp told the audience, “This next one is for all the poor people who’ve been ignored by the current administration.” Mellencamp didn’t know Quayle was in attendance, and the comment inspired the ex-veep to walk out. “I still feel there are many people left behind by this administration,” said Mellencamp. “Not talking about problems doesn’t make them go away. It’s kind of telling that he chose to walk out as I was doing a song about tolerance.” Hey, sometimes you fight authority, and authority doesn’t always win.

• The Washington Post continues its series titled, “Being a Black Man.” The latest installment focuses on “Paths to Success: A Forum on Young African American Men,” which was co-sponsored by the Kaiser Family Foundation, The Washington Post and Harvard University. “Every institution is failing our young men,” said the chairman of a national commission on the “life options of young black, Hispanic and Native American men.” “We’re grinding young men of color up like glass … We’re not hearing them.” Click on the essay title above to hear the latest.

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