Thursday, July 27, 2006

Essay 866

Political partying with a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• NBA legend Charles Barkley has switched political parties and is talking about running for governor of Alabama again. “I really believe I was put on Earth to do more than play basketball and stockpile money,” said Barkley. “I really want to help people improve their lives, and what’s left is for me to decide how best to do that.” As for his decision to switch over to the Democratic Party, Barkley declared, “I was a Republican until they lost their minds.” It’s not like Barkley has never been accused of taking leave of his senses.

• A former Chicago Police Lieutenant facing charges of torturing suspects for nearly 20 years is now taking heat from three Black Chicago aldermen. The trio is seeking to stop the city from providing pension payments and legal defense to the ex-cop — and they’re likening the alleged torture to slave murders and the Holocaust. “What he did to our men was no less than what was done to Nazi Germany,” said one alderman. “The statute of limitations did not run out in Nazi Germany. People are still chasing the people. … But, when it comes to the Black people in this country, there’s always a statute of limitations.” Another alderman remarked, “We will not allow our tax dollars to be spent on criminal behavior, be it from the community or those who are serving the community.” Considering the history of political corruption in Chicago, that’s a pretty bold statement for an alderman to make.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:08 AM

    "“I really believe I was put on Earth to do more than play basketball and stockpile money,”"

    No, actually you weren’t. Just chill with Ernie and Kenny a few months out of the year.
