Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Essay 884

Cartoonish behavior in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• Comedy Central placed the ad pictured above in Tuesday’s edition of Daily Variety. However, it was completely coincidental, with no ties to the recent Mel Gibson fiasco (see Essay 882). Or maybe it’s part of the covert Jewish conspiracy in Hollywood.

• Michael Jackson has split with his latest lawyers, and both sides have different stories. Jacko claims he fired them, while the lawyers insist they were never able to contact the star. At this point, Jackson is going through attorneys as quickly as noses.

• DJ Star has hooked up with lawyers, filing a $5 million lawsuit against a New York City councilman who led the charge to fire the radio station personality (see Essay 868). The DJ insists his new mission in life is to deal with “everyone who has interfered [with] and undermined my business and career.” Talk about an ambitious goal.

• The U.S. Army has been raising its enlistment age limit over the past year, jumping from 35 to 42. Hey, it won’t be long before the military recalls Colonel Sherman Potter.

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